Costa F, Krayenbühl N, Ramantani G, Boran E, König K, Sarnthein J

Dataset of BCI2000-compatible intraoperative ECoG with neuromorphic encoding Online


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Dimakopoulos V, Mégevand P, Stieglitz L, Imbach L, Sarnthein J

Dataset of intracranial EEG, scalp EEG and beamforming sources from human epilepsy patients performing a verbal working memory task Online


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Dimakopoulos V, Neidert MC, Sarnthein J

Intraoperative recordings of medianus stimulation with low and high impedance ECoG Online


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Dimakopoulos V, Selmin G, Regli L, Sarnthein J

Intraoperative SEP with stimulation rates 2.7-28.7 Hz Online


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Boran E, Hilfiker P, Stieglitz L, Sarnthein J, Klaver P

Dataset of human medial temporal lobe neurons during a visual working memory task Online

2022, visited: 31.03.2022.

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Cserpan D, Boran E, Rosch R, Lo Biundo SP, Ramantani G, Sarnthein J

Dataset of EEG recordings of pediatric patients with epilepsy based on the 10-20 system Online


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Fedele T, Boran E, Chirkov V, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T, Stieglitz L, Jokeit H, Sarnthein J

Dataset of spiking and LFP activity invasively recorded in the human amygdala during aversive dynamic stimuli Journal Article

In: Scientific Data, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 9, 2021.

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Boran E, Fedele T, Steiner A, Hilfiker P, Stieglitz L, Grunwald T, Sarnthein J

Dataset of human medial temporal lobe neurons, scalp and intracranial EEG during a verbal working memory task Journal Article

In: Scientific Data, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 30, 2020.

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Boran E, Sarnthein J, Krayenbühl N, Ramantani G, Fedele T

Dataset of pre- and postsurgical EEG recorded from epilepsy patients and HFO markings Online


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Boran E, Ramantani G, Krayenbuhl N, Schreiber M, Konig K, Fedele T, Sarnthein J

Dataset of intraoperative pre- and post-resection ECoG recorded from epilepsy patients and fast ripple (FR) markings Online


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Fedele T, Burnos S, Boran E, Krayenbühl N, Hilfiker P, Grunwald T, Sarnthein J

interictal iEEG during slow-wave sleep with HFO markings Online


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Automated HFO detection

Our automated HFO detector is available in github. 
Recently this HFO detector was implemented in Python (by Adam Li) and supports BIDS datasets.
We are also detecting HFO using a Spiking Neural Network. The detector is now available in github.

Automated HFO detection in scalp EEG

Verbal working memory task

In each trial, subjects are instructed to memorize a set of four, six, or eight letters presented for 2 s (encoding). The number of letters is thus specific for the memory load. After a delay (maintenance) period of 3 s, a probe letter prompts the subjects to retrieve their memory (retrieval) and to indicate by button press (“IN” or “OUT”) whether or not the probe letter was a member of the letter set held in memory

Visual working memory task

In each trial, subjects are instructed to memorize an array of 1, 2, 4 or 6 colored squares (memory array) simultaneously presented for 0.8 s (encoding). The number of squares is thus specific for the memory load. After a delay (maintenance) period of 0.9 s, a probe array of the same size prompts the subjects to indicate by button press (“Same” or “Different”) whether the array was identical to the memory array (test). This cognitively demanding task involves internal processing in the absence of external stimuli during maintenance.

Fearful faces task

The videos are all silent and consist of dynamic fearful faces and dynamic neutral landscapes, presented in an alternating order, in a block design. The paradigm includes eight blocks of 75 short video clips (2–3 s) of fearful faces and nine blocks of 72 short video clips (2–3 s) of neutral landscapes. Each block lasts 24 s in total, and contains short video clips without any intermission between consecutive videos. Video clips of fearful faces are extracted from thriller and horror movies and contain faces of actors showing fear, without being violent or aggressive. Video clips of neutral landscapes are chosen as a control condition, and are matched to the duration of the fearful faces videos (2–3 s). They include domestic landscapes which are posited to have a low emotional content and visual properties comparable to the emotional videos. All videos are only included once.